Research Groups
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology

State research institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) is a governmental scientific research institution established in 2010 by joining institutes of Chemistry, Physics, Semiconductor Physics in Vilnius and Textile institute in Kaunas ( Over the recent years, the FTMC combining different science branches has become one of the leading scientific institutions in Lithuania carrying out a unique fundamental research and technological development works in scientific fields of functional materials, electrochemical material science, organic chemistry, electronics, laser technologies, optoelectronics, nuclear physics, bio and nanotechnologies, fuel cell technology, etc. FTMC is equipped with the modern laboratory facilities for providing a high level of research performance. FTMC is represented in this project by the Department of Catalysis, which has a long experience in design and development of various functional materials and novel electroless metal plating processes, which were successfully used in microelectronics, and fabrication of various catalysts for fuel cells.
Principal Investigator
Prof. Habil. Dr. Eugenijus Norkus
Chief Research Associate Head of Department of Catalysis

- +370 5 2648892
- Vilnius, Lithuania
Principal Investigator Prof. Habil. Dr. E. Norkus, is currently working as a chief research associate within the fields of the autocatalytic metal deposition and coordination chemistry and is Head of the Department of Catalysis at the FTMC. His research interests are devoted to the development and investigation of new electroless metal plating processes, fabrication of catalysts for fuel cells, electrocatalysis.
Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry

Project partner in Latvia: Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (LSIWC), is a State R&D institute providing research and testing in the field of wood science, wood and polymer chemistry, biotechnology; applied studies for obtaining innovative products and materials from renewable raw material resources – wood and plant biomass. LSIWC is the only scientific institution in the Baltic States in this field, and 112 employees work in its 6 laboratories, among them there are 39 science doctors, including 19 young scientists. Research group from Biorefinery and Lignin laboratories are devoted to applied and fundamental research in the field of experimental investigations of different classes of carbon materials obtained from biomass. In particular, the personal is dedicated to the following areas: a) biomass thermochemical conversion to valuable products; b) charcoal and biochar production; c) physically and chemically activated carbon materials with targeted properties; d) nanoporous carbon materials. A method for the synthesis of high-quality activated carbons from wood raw materials was developed, providing the significant improvement of carbon material performance as electrodes in supercapacitors with organic electrolytes– up to 25% of capacitance increase as compared to the best-known analogues. At the current moment undergoes development and study of nitrogen-doped nanostructured carbon materials (nanoporous carbon from wood after alkaline activated).
Principal Investigator
Habil. Dr. Galina Dobele
Leading Senior Researcher, Member of the Scientific Council

- +371 2 9190127
- Riga, Latvia
Principal Investigator Dr. Habil. Chem. Galina Dobele has a forty years of experience with biomass pyrolysis, catalysts, activated and doped carbon and knowledge about the mechanisms and reactions of pyrolysis and the development of the theoretical aspects of the process. Coauthor of more than 320 publications, including 61 Scopus articles, H-index 18, as well as 4 patents. Dr. sc. ing. Aivars Zhurinsh has experience with the coordination and supervision of EC grants and projects, regarding biomass thermochemical conversion. Total number of publications in the Scopus- 37; H-index-9, total patents number-12. He has supervised 6 Master Thesis, 2 PhD Thesis and currently is supervising 1 PhD Thesis. He has implemented a sustainable and environmentally friendly charcoal production technology in 12 private companies in Latvia and Estonia. Researcher Dr. sc. ing Aleksandrs Volperts defended his PhD thesis about multifunctional carbon materials on the base of wood and lignocellulose; total number of publications in the Scopus- 21; H-index-8. He has experience with performing pyrolysis and activation experiments.
National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics

National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICPB) is governmental scientific research institution and the leading interdisciplinary Research Institute in Estonia, which carries out basic and applied research in materials science, genetic engineering and biotechnology, environmental technology, in the field of particle physics and informatics. NICPB`s reputation is based on high-level research, initiation of innovative topics and development of competence and scientific infrastructure at national and also international level. NICPB is also well known for its tight collaboration with CERN. The Energy Technologies research group, participating in this project has a long experience in synthesis and testing of various carbons and carbon-based catalyst materials. One of the main topics during the last five years has been the synthesis and functionalization of nanostructured carbon materials the super capacitor, metal-air battery and fuel cell applications. The materials prepared involve carbon nanotubes- and graphene-based catalysts. Research group is also skilled in membrane electrode assembly preparation for fuel cells. The research group includes two senior researchers (PhD), one researcher (PhD), five doctoral students and at least three master’s students and BSc students are also involved.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Ivar Kruusenberg

- +372 5 036963
- +1 510 646 2895
- Berkeley, United States
Dr. Ivar Kruusenberg is an expert in the field of oxygen reduction electrocatalysis and has been also involved in the fuel cell research. He has in depth knowledge in synthesis of carbon-based catalyst materials and he has primarily been involved in the study of carbon nanomaterial based catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction, including nitrogen-doped and transition metal macrocyle modified carbon materials. He is also experienced in the fuel cell testing of various electrocatalysts. He has published 32 papers in highly rated Journals, which have been cited for 1536 times and his h-index is 23. He has also applied for the two fuel cell and catalyst related patents.

SINTEF is one of Europe’s largest research institutes, with multidisciplinary specialist expertise in the fields of technology, natural sciences, and social sciences. SINTEF is represented in this project by the department of Sustainable Energy Technology within the institute of SINTEF INDUSTRY, and can offer high competence within materials technology, applied chemistry and modelling. SINTEF has extensive experience and project portiolio in various energy conversion technologies, including fuel cell technology, batteries, supercapacitors, and electrolysers. SINTEF has a long-term specialization in fuel cell technologies, including development and evaluation of fuel cell and electrolyser materials and components, as well as a 10-yearlong proven track record in the successful completion of FP7 and FCHJU projects as project coordinators (e.g. NOVEL, STAMPEM and MEGASTACK. SINTEF offers broad knowledge in development and characterization of materials and components for fuel cell technology and is in charge of the Norwegian fuel cells and hydrogen center.
In recent years, SINTEF has also developed strong experience in the development and validation of materials and electrodes for both electrically rechargeable Zn-air batteries and primary Mg-air batteries funded through the European Commission and the Research Council of Norway (e.g. ZAS and SEAMAG). The relevant expertise includes the synthesis and evaluation of catalysts for ORR and OER, fabrication of electrodes through different routes such as spray coating, hot pressing and slip casting (e.g. eForFuel and Nextgame). Through M-era.Net funded projects (e.g. MOC@SUPCAP) SINTEF have also obtained experience on development and characterization of supercapacitors. The involved SINTEF personnel are generally highly experienced in the field of advanced materials synthesis, physical as well as electrochemical characterization. SINTEF has access to and extensive experience with a wide range of characterization equipment such as scanning/transmission electron microscopes (available through the NORTEM national centre,, surface area analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, and X-ray diffraction facilities (available through the RECX national centre,